Online Banking

What we offer?

Online banking services a click away at Islamic Bank of Afghanistan. Our aim is to offer you with advanced banking features that give you authority over your finances.


Secure Access

Islamic bank of Afghanistan ensures every aspect of its online banking experience with high-end security.

Account Transactions

Islamic bank of Afghanistan offers a complete solution for all your account transactions. From statement downloads to loan releases, enjoy our services from anywhere around the world.

Card Transactions

IBAFG offers you a stress free card transaction experience that facilitates you to handle, check and update your credit card status online.

Payment Transactions

No more hassle to complete your payment transactions. With IBAFG, you will get unparalleled convenience to pay your bills, debits and installments on the go.

Fund Transfers

Now with IBAFG, you can transfer your funds locally and internationally through ATMs, and Western Union.

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